Fire Blight: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

apple branch with fire blight

If new foliage on your fruit trees or ornamental shrubs looks like it has been torched, or if there are patches of dead foliage and twigs in an otherwise healthy-looking tree crown, you might be looking at fire blight. If so, here is important information about the possible cause and what to do about it.

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Control & Prevent Japanese Beetles in Your NE Ohio Landscape

japanese beetles skeletonizing a leave

If you’ve noticed that tree and shrub leaves are starting to look like tattered lace, it’s probably caused by Japanese beetles feeding on your plants. Starting in late June, these voracious pests can quickly skeletonize an entire shrub, as well as decimate flowers and ripe fruit. Learn to identify Japanese beetles and what you can do to control and prevent infestations.

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What Happens to Insect Pests During Northeast Ohio Winters?

gypsy moth egg mass

Given how cold winters can be in northeast Ohio, you’d think insect pests would be killed by the frigid temperatures. But while some insects are decimated by the cold, many others manage to survive the deep freeze.

And when spring arrives, they’re ready to start breeding and eating your plants!

That’s why winter is a good time to inspect your trees, shrubs and landscape plants for evidence of overwintering insect pests. By identifying problems before the pests emerge in spring, you can prevent the situation from getting worse.

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Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Facts for Northeast Ohio

Healthy Eastern Hemlock tree

A tiny pest is causing huge problems for hemlocks in northeast Ohio. If you have any hemlock trees on your property, the hemlock woolly adelgid (pronounced uh-DEL-jid) may already be destroying them. First discovered in Ohio in 2012, these minuscule pests may appear insignificant at first, but they can kill an entire tree in as little as a single season, or slowly kill it over many years.

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Beech Leaf Disease in Northeast Ohio

beech tree leaves

Have you noticed recent changes in your beech trees? The leaves may be curling, withering, and drying long before fall foliage changes should begin. Or maybe you’ve noticed dark lines on beech tree leaves. Both are signs of beech leaf disease (BLD) that’s affecting beeches in NE Ohio. Here are the known facts.

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